perm filename NWOR[AM,DBL] blob sn#531329 filedate 1980-08-22 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: NWOROKNEI		Race: Human   Female 	
C00005 00003	Name: LEMON	 Elven   Female 	
C00013 00004	Name: HOMAR	 Hobbit  Female 	
C00015 00005	Name: DWOMAR	 Dwarf  Female 	
C00017 ENDMK
Name: NWOROKNEI		Race: Human   Female 	
ST: 8   DX:  8	  IQ: 18
Job: Courtesan		Pay: 195		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Dagger (old)
	2 whips  (with wrist tethers)
Armor protection: (total 8)
	Plate armor (weighs 25kg)
	Tower shield (weighs 15kg)
Talents:  Sex Appeal, Courtly Graces, Charisma,
	Bard, Recognize Value, Assess Value, New Followers,
	Master Bard, Whip, Tactics, Business Sense, Shield
Learning: Knife, Naturalist, Diplomacy
Total weight carried: 25kg, plus a 15kg shield.  DX-2; MA44.
On mule: old set of black leather armor.
	Heavy Crossbow (w/ cranequin)
	300' rope, 10 torches, 10 waterskins w/water
	Shop for/make: 10 gags, 10 sacks, 1 lab kit, 1 backpack, 1 crowbar $100
		get 20 days' rations x partysize (prob. 20x10x$5=1k)
3/4 Gets job. Pay is $195. Risk 4/17.
4/1 Gets whip for half price, one for full price, one cranequin, tower shield.
	10ep.  $390 - 15 - 30 - 30 - 70 = 245.
4/2 Gets plate armor for half price. 10 ep. Lvs. $190.
4/3 Fights Jim's hobbit. 10+67= 77ep. 190 + 22 +195 = $407.
4/4 Tries to get magic protection unsuccessfully. $602.
5/1 Goes into main arena. $797.  Gains 40+5+30(app)EPs; new total is about 150.
	Gains a new point, in IQ (now 17), and takes Shield skill. About $810.
5/2, 5/3, 5/4 Search unsucccessfully for 3 magic items at a time.
6/1, 6/2, 6/3 Futile expedition trying to find lair. Pick up Fila and IQ18.
	Finances: $1600 cash; owe $440 to Steve's lizard armorer eventually.
6/4, 7/1 Fort & Town.  Entertainer (bard) job. Put on shows.
7/2 New expedition to the bandit lair. Orcs livers.
Name: LEMON	 Elven   Female 	
ST: 5   DX:  12	  IQ: 18    MA: 12
Job: Town Wizard	Pay: 200		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Silver Dagger, Silver staff of power (2+2; +1DX)
Armor protection: (total 3)
	Leather armor (weighs 7kg); curently: +3 cloak.
	Small shield (weighs 5kg)
Talents:  Tactics (2), Business Sense (4), Human Tongue (1), 
	  Sex Appeal (2), Shield (2)
Spells: Staff of Power, Enchant, Illusion 7, Analyze magic,
	Create/destroy elemental, Teleport, Persuasiveness
Learning: Detect Lie (4), Literacy (1), Scholar (6)
Total weight carried: 7.1kg, plus a 5kg shield.
Left home: old set of cloth armor.
As of the end of week 4/4: 90ep, about $2600.
	Got a small +1 DX fine silver rod, with a dagger handle on it, for $1k.
5/1-4: Began enchanting my staff to +2 damage.  Failed 5/2 roll; made 5/4.
	Buy +3 leather for 2k, sell it for $12k.
	4 weekly expenses (50+50+40+30) total $680. Leaves $13920.
	EPs: 90 + 80 (4x20 ench) + 10 (bus sense) + 40 (locate seller/buyer).
	IQ goes up to 17.  EPs at end of 5/4 are thus about 85.
6/1:	Continue enchanting the rod to +2 (no roll this week). IQ=18.
		Hire 4 wizards (IQ14, Enchant, DX 8,8,10,11), paid $150/wk each.
6/2:	Rod (+2 dam) finished (now 2+2, +1 dx).
6/3:	Start making rod into staff of power.
6/4	+3 cloak finished by team.
7/2:	Staff of power finished. +2 sword sold. +2 sword half-done. $9k.
	Jerry's wizard hires 2 new apprentices, to begin helping us next week.
7/3:	DX10&8 tries to finish +2 sword. Jerry, I, and DX8&11 begin +3 shield.
	When in sync, I will switch to the other group. 
	I try to sell the +3 cloak, until shield is ready (try to sell it immed)
	Pay apprens extra 20%, to give me one of their 2 spare days each week.
	Promise a bonus to any of the apprens or wizards who finds a buyer
		who wants to (and does) pay 2x or higher for one of our items.
		(25% of the base cost of the item, paid to the finder of the
		2x buyer, DOUBLE that fee for finding a 3x buyer -- at closing)
	The extra time of the apprens is used as follows: at dawn, we summon
		an air elemental and instruct it.  It follows us high
		overhead (reachable in 3 rounds, hence about 60' off ground)
		and comes when called, when I am under attack, or when
		I disappear from view.  If not given instructions by me
		within one round of its grounding, prefaced by Xanadu,
		it will lift me into the air and convey me to
		the mages' guild, where it will gently set me down,
		and rise up again to 60' to stand guard.  If anyone
		raises a weapon to me, or attacks in some other way,
		it will lift him off the ground and transport him to the
		other side of the town. If there appears to be more than one
		attacker, it will lift each and drop him to his death
		(not on me directly, though).  Noone coming out of the
		mages guild is to be construed as an emnemy.
		I will let the guidlmaster know that I am being
		protected by such an elemental, and that if I am
		deposited on the steps, that it is safe for him or his
		men to carry me inside, and that I will pay for magical
		healing or whatever needs to be done.
		The apprens follow along with me.  If I get carried
		away, they make sure the item in dispute is not lost.
Name: HOMAR	 Hobbit  Female 	
ST: 4   DX:  12	  IQ: 14    MA: 10
Job: Town Wizard	Pay: 120		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Bronze Dagger, 24 ShaKen
Armor protection: (total 1)
	Cloth armor
Talents:  Tactics (2), Human Tongue (1), Literacy (1), Thrown Weapons (4),
	Sha-Ken (2)
Spells: Enchant, Illusion (4HEX; hence knows 1HEX too), Lightening
Learning: Knife (2), Shield (2), Scholar (6)

ADX normally  11
With ShaKen   16 (11+3+2);  10 if targeted for marksmanship.  Each does 1d6-1.
Lightening    14 (11+3)
HandToHand    15  Doing 1d6-2 damage.  <-- should probably DisEngage
HandToHand holding bronze dagger: 11  Doing 1d6 damage.

Name: DWOMAR	 Dwarf  Female 	
ST: 12  DX:  11	  IQ: 9     MA: 10
Job: Mercenary		Pay: 75 		Risk: 5/16
Weapons carried:
	M. Pick (2d6+1), Dagger, Light Crossbow (2d6 every round)
Armor protection: (total 1)
	Small shield
Talents:  Ax/Mace (2), Human Tongue (1), Detect Traps (2), Missle (3), Crossbow (1)
Learning: Literacy (1), Knife (1), Tracking (1)

ADX normally  11
With crossbow 14